
85 Early Warning Signs of Bone Cancer

Bone cancer is a rare form of cancer that's diagnosed in roughly 200,000 people each year. Although bone cancer is less prominent than other cancers, it's unique in how it's diagnosed in both adults and children. Understanding bone cancer symptoms can help people seek a doctor's diagnosis so they can begin receiving treatment as quickly as possible. Taking into account the risk factors of bone ...

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86 Eight FAQs about Arthritic Joints

Arthritis knee pain can definitely slow down a person's willingness to be active. Developing slowly over time or occurring suddenly, knee pain from arthritis is usually noticed the first thing in the morning or after long bouts of being inactive. It may hurt to kneel, get up from a sitting position, or climb stairs. Arthritic knee pain may also be accompanied by inflammation, bone spurs, or ext...

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87 Eight FAQs About Low Testosterone

Low testosterone is a serious condition in men that can greatly impact their quality of life. Testosterone is a naturally-occurring hormone in men that is responsible for the maintenance of male sexual characteristics. Produced in the testes, testosterone levels are determined by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. As men age, testosterone affects mood, energy level, bone strength, change...

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88 Eight FAQs to Find Best Dermatologist for Psoriasis

Choosing the best dermatologist for psoriasis is important for people with this chronic condition. Psoriasis is a persistent skin disorder that involves skin cells that multiply up to ten times faster than normal, leaving overgrowths of raised skin plaques, skin scales, blisters, and more. Patients who find psoriasis dermatologists can get access to the latest and most effective treatment optio...

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89 Elliptical Machines

Elliptical machines provide individuals with exercise options when the weather is less than ideal for walking or running. Compared to pricey gym memberships, elliptical machines quickly pay for themselves in time and gas spent going back and forth to work out. These machines are versatile and provide good, solid workouts without causing added stress, muscle strain, or joint pain. Elliptical ma...

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90 Emergency Animal Vets

Emergency animal vets can make the difference between life and death when it comes to your pet. So when your pet is sick or seriously injured, it?s important to get your pet the care they need. Emergency vets can even help take care of stray animals that were injured out on the road, making them the ideal place to take any helpless animal no matter where they are from. With that said, it?s alwa...

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91 Enlarged Prostate Treatments and Symptoms

Suffering from an enlarged prostate? For many men, enlarged prostate treatment is crucial not just for ruling out serious health issues, but also for relieving painful or uncomfortable symptoms. For men over 50, prostate enlargement has become?exceedingly common. While typically noncancerous, enlarged prostate is a condition that occurs when prostate cells multiply in excess to the point that t...

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92 Epilepsy Treatment Options

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures and can affect people of all ages. Various treatment methods may be used to stop seizures or lessen their occurrence. Treatment for epilepsy normally occurs after a second seizure has taken place. Medications are normally tried first before other types of methods are used to control seizures. While there are often side-effects when using ...

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93 Erectile Dysfunction & Male Sexual Health

Erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health are major issues many men face, especially as they grow older. Also known as ED and impotence, erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of issues. Anxiety about performance issues can often be a major cause of erectile dysfunction, along with physical health. Performance issues can present themselves in a variety of ways, from premature e...

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94 Erectile Dysfunction & Male Sexual Health

Erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health are major issues many men face, especially as they grow older. Also known as ED and impotence, erectile dysfunction can be caused by a variety of issues. Anxiety about performance issues can often be a major cause of erectile dysfunction, along with physical health. Performance issues can present themselves in a variety of ways, from premature e...

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95 Expensive Drugs for Seniors with Cheaper Alternatives

Seniors who are prescribed expensive medications from their doctors often don't know they can save lots of money with cheaper alternative drugs. The pharmaceutical industry is huge, with seniors paying out more than $92 billion in drug costs in 2010. Why not save money to get the medications you need to be healthier and more comfortable? We've reviewed several of the most expensive and commonly...

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96 FAQ On HIV Treatment

HIV is an autoimmune virus that will multiply rapidly through the body and attack the immune system. It can cause a dangerous disease known as AIDS that can lead to serious and painful conditions as well as early death. Thankfully, HIV treatments have been created to help people avoid this serious health risk. A good HIV treatment follows a basic format and consists of a variety of medicines gi...

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Results 85 - 96 out of 269