Income annuities are a way to receive money on a regular basis rather than in a lump sum. Many people who receive a cash settlement of some sort will invest those proceeds into an annuity and receive regular payments over a specified period of time. These investment vehicles?are popular with retirees or those nearing retirement. The up-front income is invested in both fixed or variable instrume...
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38 Income Funds
Income funds are an effective way to earn interest on capital that may not receive a very high rate of return. With today's interest rates at a low level investors, especially retirees, are looking for alternatives to savings accounts. Income accounts that invest in dividend paying stocks that pay out regular dividends to their stockholders. These funds do involve?some risk but investors that a...
Continue Reading39 Investing in Growth Funds
If you?re learning how to manage your investments, you may not know whether to choose a growth fund or an income fund. Investment funds fall into two broad categories ? income and growth. An income fund investment earns from the dividends from the company where the money is invested. A growth fund is designed to grow the initial investment as much as possible. Income fund investments are usuall...
Continue Reading40 Investing in Mutual Funds
Want to invest in mutual funds? Choosing the right mutual fund in 2018 is an important decision, especially given recent upheavel in global markets as longtime trading partners try to redefine their advantages. Fortunately, mutual funds are made for times like these. They are generally regarded as lower-risk, slower-growth investments with diversified portfolios over wide ranges of companies. W...
Continue Reading41 IRS Debt Settlement
Getting into debt with the IRS can feel as if you're experiencing a nightmare in real life. However, communication and cooperation with the IRS helps alleviate the stress and worry those who are struggling with a debt may feel. The IRS is willing to work with individuals who have found themselves in debt simply by making a plan and working together. Just be prepared for a lot of hoops and stack...
Continue Reading42 Making Charitable Donations
Philanthropy is a great way to give back and make positive contributions to society and foster a sense of community. When making charitable donations there are many factors to consider prior to giving money to an organization. Web sites such as Charity Navigator grade various organization ranking them by several factors such as the percentage of donations that actually go to help those in need....
Continue Reading43 Must-Have Stocks for 2018
Ready to start investing? Whether you're new to the market or a seasoned veteran, this year presents unique opportunities. Over the years, stocks have remained the best option to invest in for people seeking long-term returns. Since the stock market did significantly well in 2017, the greatest challenge this year is deciding which stocks to invest in. Here, we will review the top must-have stoc...
Continue Reading44 Ordering Custom Checkbooks
Looking for a new way to stand out in the crowd? Try customizing your checkbook. Whether you are a busy soccer mom, a musician, doctor, business owner or art enthusiasts, you can create a uniquely designed check that truly represents your personality, or your brand. Quite a few companies specialize in the customization of checks, however, you want to make sure you choose a company that is reput...
Continue Reading45 Private Banks For High-Cost Investors
Many people typically think of banks as little more than a place to store their money. However there are a variety of private banks that are designed to benefit those who have more money than the average person. Private banks for high-cost investors are typically off-shore accounts, which means that they are located in a country outside of America. However, some are also within the United State...
Continue Reading46 Questions To Ask When Hiring a Fiduciary Financial Adviser
Financial advisers are becoming an increasingly important part of young people's lives and their retirement plans. They provide you and others like you with the guidance they need to stay financially sound and to avoid dangerous financial concerns. When hiring a fiduciary financial adviser, you are getting access to someone who fully understand the nature of investment and money management. You...
Continue Reading47 Refinancing Auto Loan
Is now a good time to refinance your auto loan? Most people require financing when buying new cars. Over time, as interest rates and they money owed changes, refinancing might become a viable option. Refinancing an auto loan can reduce the amount of money you owe over the term of your financing agreement. Or, you can refinance an auto loan to reduce your monthly payments, which can put more dis...
Continue Reading48 Retirement Plans for Self-Employed
While self-employment has many rewards, one of the concerns of this population includes investing in retirement plans. While entrepreneurs are doing what they love and getting paid for it, they must deal with many financial challenges that don't come with traditional employment, including planning for retirement. According to a study by TD Ameritrade, 70% of self-employed individuals aren't sav...
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