What to Know about Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a disorder that likely causes confusion among some people due to the several different types of psoriasis and the complex nature of the disorder. Some people suffering from psoriasis receive treatment from a dermatologist while others receive treatment from a rheumatologist for psoriasis, considered an autoimmune disorder. There are several different types of psoriasis, each with its own distinct appearance and symptoms. Learn about plaque psoriasis and guttate psoriasis, the most common types of psoriasis. Discover less common and more severe types of psoriasis, such as inverse and erythrodermic psoriasis.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Can psoriasis sufferers benefit from skin grafts?

    Skin grafts are not a treatment option for any type of psoriasis because psoriasis is not an actual skin disorder. Although it affects the skin, the condition is partially caused by T cells gone awry that attack healthy cells inside the body, mistaking them for a foreign invader such as a virus or infection. The result is an over-production of T cells, dilation of blood vessels around affected areas, increase of white blood cells and other changes that cause new skin cells to push to the outermost layer in a few days instead of a few weeks. The result is the skin build-up associated with psoriasis. Skin grafts will not heal this immune system issue.

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  2. What is plaque psoriasis?

    Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis. It appears as thickened, silvery white, scaly patches accompanied by redness around the scaly build-up. Other symptoms, which can vary from one person to the next, include itching, pain, burning, cracking of the skin and bleeding. Plaque psoriasis usually appears on the elbows, knees, scalp or back. However, it is not limited to these areas. A person with plaque psoriasis could develop a few affected areas or suffer from many plaques at any time.

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  3. Does treatment cure the different types of psoriasis?

    Like other types of autoimmune disorders, there is no known cure for psoriasis. Treatment ranges from prescription strength topical ointments, light therapy, medications that help reduce symptoms or flares. People with psoriasis may take oral medications or receive newer types of medications such as biologics. Some psoriasis sufferers also benefit from counseling.

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  4. Are there more serious types of psoriasis?

    Inverse psoriasis affects folds of the skin, appears under the arms, under breasts or in the groin area. Inverse psoriasis appears as very red, easily irritated lesions. People suffering from inverse psoriasis sometimes have another type of psoriasis at the same time. Inverse psoriasis is sometimes more difficult to treat than some other types of psoriasis because of the sensitivity of the reddened areas. Topical psoriasis treatments often burn and sting the already burning, inflamed areas. Erythrodermic psoriasis is a potentially life-threatening type of psoriasis. The extremely reddened skin can come off in sheets and potentially results in severe pain and itching as well as loss of protein and fluids. People who develop erythrodermic psoriasis often do so after suffering from unstable plaque psoriasis, says the National Psoriasis Foundation.

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  5. I heard psoriasis does not itch. Is this true?

    Intense itching is a complaint from many psoriasis sufferers. In fact, the word “Psoriasis” has its origins from the Greek word “Psora,” which means “Itchy” or “To itch.”

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  6. Why do dry skin products not heal psoriasis?

    Dry skin products may offer some small amount of temporary relief for the itching and dryness of psoriasis. However, such products will not have a long-term effect. An individual with psoriasis often benefits from care of a specialist, along with prescription medications and treatments ordered by a medical professional with experience in treating patients suffering from psoriasis.

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  7. What is pustular psoriasis?

    Pustular psoriasis appears as white, pus-filled blisters that break open, oozing the non-infectious, non-contagious pus. It usually affects adults, appears in a cycle of reddening of skin, then appearance of the pustules followed by scaling skin.

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  8. What is guttate psoriasis?

    Guttate psoriasis is the second most common type of psoriasis. It appears as red spots on the skin and usually first appears during childhood. Guttate psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body, especially the torso.

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