Treatments for Skin Cancer

The incidence of skin cancer, despite modern technology and awareness campaigns, are still on the rise. Treatments for those suffering from skin cancer varies depending on the type of skin cancer diagnosis. The types of skin cancer are melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and basal cell carcinoma. Basal cell carcinoma is the most frequently diagnosed and is usually located on areas of the skin exposed to the sun like the arms, scalp, face, and torso. It is treated by surgically removing the spot. Squamous cell carcinoma is less diagnosed and not as easy to treat because it can move to other parts of the body. It also is treated by surgically removing the spot and surrounding skin. Melanoma, or malignant melanoma, is the rarest type of skin cancer and the most dangerous because it tends to move into the blood stream and spread. Treatment is surgical removal of the spot and surrounding tissue.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. Is immunotherapy a possibility?

    Immunotherapy is new in the field for treating skin cancer, but it is showing some promise. Immunotherapy works by manipulating the body's immune system into targeting and killing cancer cells. There are several immunotherapy medications on the market, and at this time it is mainly being used in efforts to treat advanced melanoma.

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  2. Can skin cancer be treated with medication?

    There are topical medications, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and Imiquimod that may be used to treat superficial basal cell carcinoma. Another option is a chemical agent, photodynamic therapy (PDT) that is applied to the area. Hours later this medication is activated by a strong light to selectively destroy the cancer cells while leaving the healthy tissue unaffected. PDT may be used for squamous cell carcinoma.

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  3. Is there an option outside of surgery?

    Cryosurgery is a non-surgical technique used to destroy skin cancer tissue by freezing it with liquid nitrogen. Like the Mohs procedure, it is done in stages and can be repeated several times within the same treatment session until the cancer cells are gone. It can be used for basal cell and some squamous cell carcinomas.

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  4. What kinds of surgeries with lasers are available?

    Laser surgery is not FDA-approved for squamous cell carcinoma or melanoma, but it may be used for superficially affected areas on the skin's most outer layer. Some deeper skin can be removed with a carbon dioxide or erbium YAG laser.

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  5. Are there different types of surgery to remove skin cancer?

    There are three main types of surgery. Mohs micrographic surgery is a step-by-step surgical procedure where thin layers of skin are removed and examined for cancer cells. This is repeated until there are no cancer cells present. A standard excision is when the spot is removed along with some normal skin. Finally, a curettage and electrodessication is used to scrape the cancerous growth with a curettage and then cauterizing the area to destroy possible tumor residual.

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  6. Which types of surgery are used for the different types of cancer?

    Mohs micrographic surgery is effective for treating basal cell carcinoma and is shown to have the best cure rate. Standard excision is often used for squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. The curettage and electrodessication is most useful for early squamous cell carcinoma.

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  7. What can be done to avoid skin cancer?

    Limiting your exposure to the sun, especially during the summer months can help to prevent skin cancer. If you are out in the sun, it's best to use a broad spectrum sunscreen to protect against UVB and UVA rays. You can also avoid tanning beds, wear sunglasses, and see a dermatologist yearly.

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  8. Is the surgery inpatient or outpatient?

    Most often the surgical removal of skin cancer is completed in an outpatient setting with your physician. However, depending upon the nature of the surgery, overnight care and treatment may be required. Often, outpatient procedures will also require immediate follow-up for several days. This follow-up will usually take place at the doctor's office.

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  9. What about radiation treatment?

    Radiation may be a course of treatment, and it involves the use of x-ray beams being directed at the tumor. It generally requires a series of treatments that can be administered several times a week for up to four weeks. Radiation can cause long-term cosmetic problems and the risks that come with radiation. Radiation can also be given in a pill form once a day.

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