Foldable Mobility Scooters

Mobility scooters have changed the lives of many people who could not otherwise get around independently. To the casual observer, there may not be much difference from one mobility scooter to the next. However, differences between various models and styles can make certain scooters superior to specific people. For example, many newer models are foldable for occasional storage and transportation convenience. The top three models of foldable mobility scooters are the Hummer XL Folding 4-Wheel Electric Mobility Scooter Tzora Titan 4, the EV Rider Transport Foldable Electric Mobility Scooter, and the Lexis Light Foldable Mobility Scooter. Price ranges on these scooters can vary widely between retailers, but these questions can help you learn important facts that can help you make a purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. Which foldable scooter has the greatest carrying capacity?

    The Hummer XL can hold up to 300 lbs of weight. If more were added, the scooter wouldn't fall apart, but the motor would be taxed beyond its designed intentions and it might break down. That could leave the user stranded!

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  2. Which is the most lightweight foldable scooter?

    The Lexis Light weighs in at a dainty 54 pounds. It breaks down into two pieces for storage or transportation that weigh in at 26 and 28 pounds. Even the battery weighs less than the battery for other models.

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  3. Which has the best warranty?

    Lexis Light offers a two- year full warranty. They also provide a limited one- year warranty for in-home repairs done by a professional repairman. That could make a difference for a scooter owner who has trouble getting around.

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  4. Are these hard to fold and unfold?

    Not at all. The weight differences will make different models harder for some users to handle, depending on the disability that the user is experiencing. Folding only takes a couple of minutes, although a new owner might want to practice a few times before taking their scooter traveling so that they can fold it smoothly when in public places or when in a hurry.

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  5. Will a foldable mobility scooter have to get checked as luggage for air travel?

    Only if desired. These are all designed to meet airline regulations (even the battery) and can be identified as carry on luggage. Airlines recognize that a person with mobility issues usually need their scooter to be accessible. The tip is to use a foldable scooter that will take up less space and make travel easier for the person that depends on the scooter.

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  6. How easy is it for this kind of scooter to take on a cruise?

    The folding capability certainly makes these scooters very useful for traveling, and that would include going on that special cruise. The EV Rider folds up without requiring disassembly beforehand; however, the Lexis is the lightest of the three.

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  7. Do accessories come with these, or must they be purchased separately?

    The Lexis Light comes with many free options, from a cup holder to a protective bag to personalizing the scooter with a name. Chargers, safety flag, baskets, touch up paint, and more can all be available with the Lexis Light, so if making a scooter completely personalized is a high priority, the Lexis Light is the way to go.

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  8. Which of these has the best range for traveling on battery power?

    The Hummer XL offers a wider roaming range for those who need to rely on a foldable scooter. It can travel as far as 15.5 miles per charge. The Hummer XL enables a scooter user to get a little farther away from civilization, which may appeal to some scooter owners who miss their connection with nature.

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  9. Which of these will work best in the Great Outdoors?

    The Hummer XL has the most powerful motor that can also handle greater weight. This allows it to take on steeper inclines than other scooters are capable of. The design, traction, and battery power of the model all contribute to making this a great scooter for exploring those less developed places like country lanes and semi-developed park trails.

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