Stoma Surgical Procedures

Stomas are openings of the abdomen that allow urine or feces to flow from the intestines into small pouches. Intestinal health issues, cancer and other conditions may require people to undergo stoma procedures. The stomach and intestines can have problems in different areas, so stoma surgery can take various forms. The three most common stoma surgical procedures are the Colostomy, Ileostomy and Urostomy. When a stoma procedure is recommended, doctors work closely with their patients to determine which procedures are most appropriate. There's no one-size-fits-all approach, but these procedures are considered safe and routine, although living with a stoma and ostomy pouch takes some getting used to. Read on for more information about the three common stoma surgical procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What is a stoma?

    A stoma is an opening in your abdomen that allows for a tube to be placed that will divert urine and feces away from normal elimination and into a bag attached to the end of the tube.

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  2. Does the stoma need to be permanent?

    This will be determined by what caused the need for a stoma in the first place. With many conditions, such as removal of the stomach or part of the intestines, it is necessary for the stoma to be permanent. In other cases, it is only a temporary measure to allow the body to heal.

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  3. What is a colostomy?

    This surgery is for people who have cancer in the lower area of the bowels. The entire rectum and anus are removed and the original hole is sewn together. The tube diverts all solid and liquid matter to the bag. This is also the surgery that is most often performed during an emergency. In that case, the closing of the anal passage is temporary.

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  4. What is an ileostomy?

    An ileostomy involves removing part or all of the colon and part of the rectum. Tubes are then placed to connect what remains or to replace them completely. This allows all feces to be redirected to the bag outside the body. With partial removal of the colon, the surgery may be reversed in the future. With total removal, it will be permanent.

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  5. What is a urostomy?

    A urostomy is permanent. This surgery is intended to divert urine from the bladder to a bag. A small section of the small intestine will be attached to the ureter on one end and a tube that leads to a bag outside the body. Urine will bypass the bladder completely. In some cases, the bladder may be removed completely.

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  6. Where will the stoma procedure happen?

    This will depend on the type of procedure that is done. In most cases, an ileostomy will be placed on the right lower abdomen, a colostomy on the left lower abdomen and an urostomy on the right lower abdomen. In some religions, placing the stoma below the belly button is considered "dirty" and the doctor may attempt to place it above waist level if possible. Those who are confined to wheelchairs may also need to have it placed in a different position.

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  7. Is the stoma painful?

    There will be no feeling in the stoma itself. There may be some bleeding, especially at the beginning, when the area is cleaned, but that will eventually end. If there is pain, that is an indication that something isn't correct and the stoma will need to be checked out by a doctor.

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  8. What happens after the stoma procedure?

    The hospital staff will provide instructions on how to care for the stoma. In addition, many hospitals arrange for a special nurse to visit the home and check to make sure everything is going as it should and there is no infection. The patient is given a temporary supply of bags and cleaning supplies and a prescription that will keep them in supply.

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