Snoring Devices

Snoring is a huge problem for many people, disrupting much needed sleep and reducing the quality of sleep. Some snoring is so loud and so excessive that it can often keep our significant loved ones awake. But it’s not just noise that’s the problem, because severe cases of snoring can reduce our ability to get restorative sleep and potentially put strain on the heart. Fortunately, with the right snoring devices, you can put an end to snoring right now, improving your sleep and making for a very happy bed partner. The top 3 snoring devices include Breathe Right, VitalSleep and Nose Air Purifiers. If you are interested it putting an end toy your unpleasant snoring once and for all, check out these most frequently asked questions about snoring devices.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What do snoring devices do for snoring?

    For those that don’t know, snoring occurs when airflow through the mouth and noise become obstructed. To help address this obstructed airflow, snoring devices can be used to increase airflow or reduce the obstruction causing the snoring, potentially eliminating snoring altogether.

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  2. Who can benefit from snoring devices?

    Anyone who frequently suffers from snoring because of obstructed airways may benefit from a snoring device. Obstruction could be caused by a number of things including poor throat muscle tone, allergies, deformities of the nose, and being overweight among other things. Additionally, those with a long soft palate will have a narrower opening from the nose and the throat which easily becomes obstructed.

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  3. What can you tell me about Breathe Right?

    Breathe Right nasal strips are a terrific solution for those experiencing snoring because of nasal congestion or deformity. Breathe Right strips stick to the nose much like a band aid and open the nasal passages up to improve airflow and facilitate breathing through the nose.

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  4. What can you tell me about VitalSleep?

    VitalSleep is a mouth guard solution for snoring. It helps open up airways through the mouth by molding to the shape of your mouth and holding your jaw forward in place. It’s adjustability allows for it to fit in nearly any mouth and address any level of snoring severity.

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  5. What are nose air purifiers?

    Nose air purifiers are exactly as they sound. Nose air purifiers are inserted into the nostrils via two plugs. These plugs have holes which you can breathe through, while a filter attached to the device filters out dust, pollen and other allergens so that congestion is limited, thereby reducing obstruction.

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  6. What else can I do for allergy related snoring?

    Nose air purifiers or Breathe Right Strips may not always be enough to address allergies. You may want to take an allergy medication along with one of those snoring devices. Additionally, you may consider using Breathe Right strips and air purifiers together.

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  7. What’s the best temporary solution?

    The best temporary solution is probably Breathe Right strips, but that depends on the cause of your snoring. But for snoring related to colds or flu, Breathe Right strips are the right choice, especially in combination with a good decongestant.

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  8. What’s the most inexpensive snoring solution?

    The most inexpensive snoring solution is easily the nose air purifier, which can be found in stores such as Walmart for less than $10. Further they can be used more than once, unlike Breathe Right strips. Mouth guards like Vital Sleep can cost you around $60 for one or $100 for two devices.

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