Seasonal Allergy Treatments

Are you in need of seasonal allergy treatments? Seasonal allergies cause millions of people to suffer from runny noses, watery eyes, skin rashes, coughing, sneezing and more. And while seasonal allergies tend to flare up starting in the spring, allergens ranging from pollen to pet dander can affect people year-round. Fortunately, various forms of allergy treatments can help, including powerful prescription medications that are effective in people of all ages. Ongoing medical research is also expected to help doctors develop additional means of providing relief from allergy symptoms. If you or a family member is suffering from seasonal allergies, then you can benefit from knowing about the latest treatments. Read on to compare your best options.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What are the newest allergy treatments?

    Some of the most recent allergy treatment breakthroughs have come in the form of immunotherapy. In 2017, the FDA approved a new immunotherapy drug called Odactra, making it the first of its kind for treating dust mite allergies. A few years earlier, the FDA approved a trio of new immunotherapy medications called Oralair, Ragwitek and Grastek that children and adults can use to treat hay fever from certain types of pollen. These prescription drugs must be taken before the start of the allergy season and used throughout on a daily basis.

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  2. When should children get allergy shots?

    Allergy shots contain trace amounts of allergens that are injected into children to create small allergic reactions. Over several months or years, these shots can work like a vaccine, helping children who are vulnerable to seasonal allergies to become more resilient to allergy triggers. However, these shots aren't recommended to all children. Doctors generally recommend that shots only be used when kids don't get desirable results from over-the-counter or prescription treatments.

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  3. Are over-the-counter allergy treatments effective?

    Children and adults can often benefit from over-the-counter treatments, especially to help relieve just minor allergy symptoms. These medications include antihistamines and nasal sprays that can provide fast relief for congestion or runny nose.

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  4. How can alternative therapies help allergy sufferers?

    Alternative therapies aren't as effective as conventional forms of treatment such as antihistamines and nasal sprays. However, a study in the journal called Annals of Internal Medicine found children who suffered from seasonal allergies actually suffered less severe symptoms, and fewer flareups, after regularly undergoing acupuncture treatments. This study took into account a placebo group in which subjects had needles stuck randomly into their bodies.

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  5. Can seasonal allergy triggers be prevented?

    People who suffer from seasonal allergies can take precautions to limit their exposures to allergy triggers. For example, they can check their local air quality forecasts to predict which days they should stay indoors to avoid larger airborne amounts of pollen. However, there is no way to completely avoid allergy triggers, which is why adults and children should be using antihistamines or shots to prevent or curb allergy symptoms.

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  6. When should people with allergies start using antihistamines?

    Antihistamines are medications that block the body's production of histamine, which is what causes symptoms such as itchy eyes or runny noses after coming into contact with allergens. People should start taking antihistamines around two weeks before the anticipated start of the seasonal allergy season, and they should be taken on a regular basis throughout.

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  7. Which over-the-counter antihistamines can help?

    Prescription-strength antihistamines include azelastine (Astelin or Astepro), desloratadine (Clarinex) and hydroxyzine (Atarax and Vistaril). These medications are more powerful than over-the-counter antihistamines.

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  8. What can people do at home to prevent seasonal allergies?

    Allergy sufferers should keep their home windows and doors shuts on days with higher pollen counts. Seasonal allergies are strongest during the spring and summer, and during these times pollen counts tend to be highest in the late afternoon and early evening. Allergy sufferers can shower and change their clothes after being outdoors during these times of the year. For anyone outside doing yardwork, taking antihistamines and wearing NIOSH-rated 95 filter masks can help to prevent seasonal allergy flareups.

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