Online Accounting Degree Programs

For many working adults looking to start a new career in accounting or further their education, taking traditional college courses on a college campus is out of the question due to time contraints and other factors. Because of this, online accounting degree programs have become increasingly popular over the past several years, because they allow students to schedule their classes around work schedules and other obligations. When looking into taking an online accouting degree program, there are several factors you'll need to consider before signing up, so you can be sure to pick the program that's right for your specific needs and career goals. Below are the most commonly asked questions about online accounting degree programs to help get you started.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Is an online accounting degree a legitimate degree?

    Many people will wonder whether or not pursuing accounting degrees online is legitimate. The answer to this question is a resounding yes. People should never wonder whether or not their degree is "real" because online programs are held to high standards just as traditional colleges and universities. Many universities actually have online programs they run.

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  2. What kind of courses do I need to take to earn an online accounting degree?

    For people who don't know, a career in accounting covers a wide range of financial matters that businesses and institutions rely on. Therefore, people will take coursework to prepare them for this field. Students will take classes regarding domestic and international tax law, how to properly balance books, and accrue practice examining SEC filings.

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  3. What kinds of jobs can I get with an accounting degree?

    Accountants hold a degree that is highly marketable and desired in the workplace. Accountants can get jobs working for the government managing taxes of people and corporations. Accountants can also find jobs working for companies making sure they comply with tax law and ensure they don't outspend their budget.

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  4. Is there a standardized test that people need to take as an accountant?

    Most people who major in accounting will sit for an examination called the CPA exam. The CPA certification stands for certified public accountant. Every student that studies accounting should shoot to pass this exam because it will make them infinitely more competitive when they apply for jobs.

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  5. Is an online accounting degree a Bachelor's degree or a Master's degree?

    The answer is that it could be both. To prepare for a career in accounting, many people attend an undergraduate business school and major in accounting. This is a Bachelor's degree. Many students who major in accounting also go back to school for a MAC program. This stands for Masters of accounting. Therefore, the answer is that it could be either.

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  6. What should I consider before deciding to attend an online accounting degree program?

    There are a wide variety of factors to consider, including cost; however, many people should also consider the reputation of the program before signing up. Every company will look at where the degree is earned. Therefore, students should make sure that an online accounting degree program is well-respected before registering.

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  7. Do I need to be technologically savvy to handle an online accounting degree program?

    There is certainly a base level of technological expertise that is required both with accounting degrees online and for a job as an accountant in general. Everyone will need to be able to work quickly and efficiently with Excel because accountants spend a lot of time working with spreadsheets. Being efficient with spreadsheets is required for this career path.

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  8. How long does it take to finish an online accounting degree program?

    This entirely depends on how many courses a person can handle at a given time. The more courses a person can handle per semester, the faster the program will be completed. Balance work and life obligations with the requirements of an online accounting degree program. Every student has different expectations.

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