Leadership Development Programs

Leadership is the backbone of every successful company. While a few individuals seem to be born with natural leadership skills, most people need training in one or more essential areas in order to be effective managers. This need for proper training explains the number of leadership training programs that are out there to choose from. Not all of these programs are created equally and it can be difficult to determine which programs are most likely to give you the best education. The top leadership development programs are run by the American Management Association, Alison.com, and Bell Leadership Institute. Check out these most frequently asked questions to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. Do any of these programs offer in-office programs?

    Both the Bell Leadership Institute and American Management Association offer chances for on-site programs. These vary from seminars to professional speakers and actual training classes. Visiting the individual sites will help you see which one best suits your individual needs.

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  2. Which programs offer online courses?

    Alison.com is completely conducted online. While the other two programs do offer some online contact, they do not specifically offer courses that can be completed online. American Management Association does have many of its seminars recorded for future viewing and it offers podcasts at the various membership levels.

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  3. Are these all focused on big business management?

    Absolutely not. All three programs can be adapted to benefit everyone from the entrepreneur to big corporate executives. The American Management Association even offers a youth program for those thinking of pursuing business management in the future. All of these programs recognize the wide diversity of the business world.

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  4. Which program carries the most professional weight?

    The American Management Association is by far the most well-known and prestigious program. They have a history of catering to many of the Fortune 500 companies. This organization is recognized throughout the world.

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  5. Do any of these offer free courses?

    Allison.com is completely free except for the actual certificate at the end. The Bell Leadership Institute does offer some free classes but most are for a fee. At the American Management Association, membership is required. This membership offers a chance at some free resources but the majority of their programs do cost money.

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  6. What about certification?

    Both the Bell Institute and American Management Association offer a chance to get certificates upon completion of some of their courses and programs. Allison.com offers a paid certification upon completion of its program.

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  7. Do any of the programs offer additional resources?

    The American Management Association offers several different types of membership, including individual, youth and corporation. Each of these has its own advantages including special white papers, podcasts and other resources for members. They also provide special web events and a resource library.

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  8. Which program offers the greatest versatility?

    Bell Leadership Institute offers the most versatility where the types of courses are concerned. They offer classes, some for certification, seminars, retreats, and programs that come right to the location. They have a yearly roundtable and keynote speakers and they will talk with clients to help customize many of their programs so you get exactly what you need.

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  9. Do any of these offer a way for me to decide exactly what skills and type of program my team needs?

    The Bell Leadership Institute offers free assessment tools to help you find out where you and your team members stand in the matter of leadership skills.

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