Invisalign Treatment

Worried about braces? While your dentist may have talked to you about braces before, you like many, may have avoided it because of the unsightly appearance of metal braces that can easily destroy an individual’s self-esteem. On top of that, traditional metal braces often force a change of diet, preventing them from eating foods like popcorn that they normally love. Luckily there is a solution that few people may realize that they qualify for. Invisalign treatment can help fixed your smile, without the appearance and discomfort associated with traditional braces. Easy to manage, but moreover incredibly effective, Invisalign treatment can help a variety of orthodontic patients achieve the beautiful smile they deserve. If you are interested in Invisalign treatment, check out these frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. How often can I remove Invisalign braces?

    While you can remove braces to brush your teeth or eat a meal, you should only remove them in those circumstances. For effective results, Invisalign aligners should be kept on for a minimum of 20 hours a day. Although you preferable keep them on for 22 hours a day. Taking them off for too long will interfere with your progress.

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  2. Will I need to wear a retainer after treatment?

    Just as you would with traditional braces, you will still need a retainer after your Invisalign treatment. The retainer is necessary for preventing teeth from shifting back into their original position.

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  3. How do they work?

    Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible aligners for the mouth that are worn instead of traditional braces. Similar to whitening trays, aligners are custom designed for your teeth that make slight adjustments to the alignment of your teeth, effectively shifting them into a perfect smile.

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  4. Is Invisalign more expensive than traditional braces?

    It’s a common misconception that Invisalign treatment is more expensive that traditional braces. While it isn’t much cheaper either, it is easily comparable in price costing around a couple thousand dollars. However, treatment costs will vary depending on your case. Adult patients should expect to pay for treatment for at least 12 months as that is the average.

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  5. How do I start treatment?

    To start treatment with Invisalign you’ll need to consult with an orthodontist. Many Invisalign providers will offer a free consultation to see if you are eligible for treatment and then advise you on your next steps. Once you’ve decided on a plan, you can start treatment almost immediately.

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  6. Can Invisalign braces be removed?

    One of the best thigs about Invisalign, besides being invisible, is its ability to be removed. This means that you can easily remove aligners so that you can eat a meal, have a drink or brush your teeth. With Invisalign, there’s nothing you can’t eat or drink unlike with traditional braces.

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  7. What is the Invisalign treatment process like?

    The Invisalign process is fairly easy. Every couple weeks a new alignment tray is designed for you by making a mold of your teeth and designing the alignment trays accordingly. Each new set of aligners will gradually shift your teeth into the perfect straightened position.

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  8. Do all dentists offer Invisalign treatment?

    Not all dentists/orthodontists will offer Invisalign treatment. This is because they must be trained as Invisalign providers. So, some providers will have more experience than others, which means you may want to select one that has had plenty of experience.

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