How to Find the Right Psychic

Everyone needs a little guidance from time to time, and for some people, that guidance is sought through the services of a psychic. A good psychic can tune in to the unspoken aspects and feelings of a client and provide clarity and reassurance, help give a life direction or even help in the decision making process for areas of life like career or relationships. Unfortunately, there are many people who take advantage of the nature of this field of work and are quick to scam unwitting participants into paying large sums of money for what may amount to nothing more than broad generalizations or even outright lies. In order to avoid this, people seeking the guidance of a psychic must be diligent in finding an authentic psychic that will be able to offer the guidance they seek, with no gimmicks or tricks. If you're thinking of hiring a psychic, be sure to read the following questions and answers, so you can be sure you end up  with a psychic that's worth your time and money.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. How will I know if a psychic is truly gifted, or just out to scam me?

    There are some things to look out for when seeking out a psychic, but one of the biggest red flags for fake psychics are the use of percentages, as in "my readings are 99 percent accurate." No true psychic would ever use such statistics. Instead, look for psychics who have a solid reputation for offering guidance and insight, rather than someone who claims they can tell you with near certainty what will happen.

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  2. Should I always go with the most expensive psychic to avoid scams?

    Quite the contrary. True psychics do what they do in order to help others on their journeys through life, not to get rich quick.  More expensive does not typically mean a psychic is better at what they do. In fact, high pricing may be a big red flag that you're about to be scammed.

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  3. What are some other ways to know if a psychic is the real deal?

    Listen carefully to what the psychic is saying and pay attention to broad, sweeping generalizations. A good psychic will be tuned into you personally, and will offer guidance based on your specific circumstances, not generalizations that could be true for just about anyone.

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  4. What kinds of questions should I be aware of when seeking out a psychic?

    Beware of leading questions asked by a psychic. This is a common practice to get you to divulge information that they can relay back to you later in a way that makes them seem psychic, but really, they have just rephrased what you have already told them. Look for psychics that don't ask a lot of questions, but rather tune in to the energies around you.

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  5. Will a real psychic tell me I need repeated sessions to clear negative energy?

    No, a true psychic will not try to rope you into more sessions (and spending more of your money than necessary), and this is a big red flag. Look for a psychic that is able to work within the number of sessions you choose in order to get the most work done, without pressuring you into continued sessions.

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  6. Are phone psychics a real thing?

    Yes, some true psychics can work with you over the phone, though seeing a psychic in person is preferable. Beware, however, that it is much more difficult to vet a psychic over a phone call, and most of those calls can rack up expensive fees very quickly.

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  7. What is the best way to find a reputable psychic?

    Your best bet for finding a reputable psychic is to ask around for recommendations. These can come from online message boards or forums, or in person from friends, family and community members. A truly good psychic will work hard to develop a positive reputation in the community they work in.

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  8. Can psychics really tell me my future?

    Not exactly. While a good psychic can offer insight and guidance in regard to the path you're currently on, they cannot tell you with absolute certainty what will happen in the future. Any psychic who claims otherwise is probably best to steer clear of.

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