How to Choose an Online Therapist

Searching for an online therapist? Online therapy can be an effective way for many people to get the therapy they need without the need for strict scheduling or driving to a distant location. And because it is easier and more convenient, you are more likely to keep up with your sessions. However, to get the most out of your therapy, it is important to choose the right online therapist. Choosing a therapist with the right qualifications and flexibility will ensure that you get the most effective therapy for you. If you want to know how to choose an online therapist, check out these most frequently asked questions. The path to improved mental health starts here!

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. How can I tell if my therapist is ethical?

    The best way to determine if an online therapists ethical code is of course to ask. You’ll want to know that your online therapists follow all of the ethical guidelines involving confidentiality, inappropriate relationships, misrepresentation and misleading claims that most licensed therapists follow regularly.

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  2. Do online therapists have the necessary qualifications?

    Most online therapists have the necessary qualifications to provide therapy to you that is effective and up-to-date so that you are getting therapy that is as good as in-office therapy. Therapists from services like BetterHelp and TalkSpace have licensed professionals with the years of experience necessary to help clients like you.

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  3. Where can I find HIPAA compliant therapists?

    HIPAA compliant therapists will be sure to safeguard your private information and provide the necessary security to protect your health records. Both BetterHelp and TalkSpace are HIPAA compliant businesses. If you are unsure if the online therapy company you choose is HIPAA complaint, be sure to ask.

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  4. Which therapists offer the most flexible mediums for communication?

    The therapists that offer the most flexible mediums for communication include BetterHelp and MyTherapist. Both BetterHelp and MyTherapist offer therapy by phone, chat and video. However, BetterHelp also offers therapy via message board, which is also a great way to get in touch with a therapist. Additionally, BetterHelp offers a convenient mobile app, so you don’t even have to be on your computer, allowing you to get therapy from anywhere.

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  5. Which online therapy format offers the most user-friendly experience?

    For the most user-friendly experience, many clients prefer TalkSpace or breakthrough. TalkSpace and Breakthrough offer a user-friendly interface that makes scheduling appointments incredibly easy. TalkSpace allows you to choose a plan, match with a therapist, and communicate on nearly any device easily and effectively.

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  6. Do they accept my insurance?

    This question is entirely dependent on your health insurance company and your plan. Whether or not you are covered for online therapy will vary greatly, but there is an increased chance if you are sure the therapists are licensed. Additionally, you want to be sure you have some kind of diagnosis that make therapy necessary. And though you may be covered, you may not always be covered for the entiety of your therapy. Fortunately, online therapy is somewhat affordable, costing as little as $35 a week

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  7. Where is the best site for online couples therapy?

    For couples therapy, many clients prefer ReGain. With ReGain, you’ll be connected with licensed therapists that have the credentials and expertise to help counsel both you and your partner, helping to strengthen your relationship and improve communication to get you there. You can communicate by video, phone, chat and message board – whatever works for the both of you.

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  8. How can I get the most comfortable experience?

    To get the most comfortable therapy experience possible, its best to choose a preferred format for therapy. You can do a messaged-based therapy as offered by TalkSpace where you can create well-articulated messages that best convey your ideas and concerns. Additionally, you can choose a chat-based format that allows for quicker responses or a video chat that allows you to interact face-to-face with a therapist. There are even text-based therapy sessions available if that makes you more comfortable. If the method you choose helps you open up better, then that is the method for you and there is nothing wrong with that.

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