Hepatitis C Treatment

Hepatitis C is one of those diseases that people rarely talk about, but which affects millions of people around the world every day. It is an insidious disease because it rarely shows symptoms until after several years have passed. The progression of hepatitis C can cause serious damage to the liver before the disease is detected. As a result, it is important to understand the various forms of hepatitis C treatment that are available. in general, treatment for hepatitis C focuses on stopping the spread of the virus and preventing further damage to the liver. Other treatment options include replacing the liver if it suffers from severe enough damage. Thankfully most cases of hepatitis C will never get to this level as most cases can be treated with medical and palliative care at home or in a hospital. Here are important questions to consider when seeking out hepatitis C treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What Is Acute Hepatitis C Treatment?
    Acute treatment occurs when patients realize that they have been exposed to the virus early and can get treatment for it immediately. This helps prevent the disease from spreading through the body and developing into a more serious or chronic problem. Typically this treatment includes bed rest, a lot of fluids, a healthy diet, and avoiding alcohol to prevent damage to the liver.
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  2. When Acute Hepatitis C Treatment Used?
    Acute treatment is typically started immediately after patients believe they were exposed to the virus. For example, a healthcare worker who was pricked by a contaminated needle may receive this treatment. It is often given to people who suffer from mild cases of the disease and for whom long-term or chronic hepatitis C treatment is not necessary.
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  3. What Is Chronic Hepatitis C Treatment?
    When a person has hepatitis C for longer than six months or if they show symptoms of the disease without knowing when they were infected, chronic care is needed. Hepatitis C symptoms may not show up for years after infection, making it easy for the liver to get damaged severely during this period. Chronic treatment requires a variety of medical treatments that minimize spread and the damage in the liver.
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  4. When are Hepatitis C Chronic Treatment Methods Used?
    Those who suffer from a lifelong infection with hepatitis C need to receive chronic treatment to remain healthy. Various medical treatments, including medications, have been approved to manage chronic or long-term hepatitis C. Using these medications is an important way of ensuring a long and healthy life with this difficult disease.
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  5. How Many Hepatitis C Treatments are Available?
    For years, there were only two medicines available to treat hepatitis C. These included pegylated interferon and ribavirin or RBV. The first treatment simulates a protein that helps fight off infection. It helps stop the spread of hepatitis C and prevents serious problems. RBV was often used in conjunction with pegylated interferon to help improve its effectiveness.
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  6. Are Those The Only Medications Used?
    Over the last few years, hepatitis C medications have expanded beyond these two sometimes problematic treatment methods. Victrelis and incivek fight the virus directly and stop it from spreading. Sovaldi is a once-daily pill that helps keep hepatatis C from becoming more serious and is often used with people who suffer from HIV infection alongside hepatitis C.
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  7. Can Patients Receive Non-Medication Treatment?
    Many with hepatitis C receive what is known as palliative care. This method helps to improve quality of life by focusing on the mental and spiritual, as well as the physical, aspects of healing. For example, they will help find ways to manage hepatitis C symptoms while making their patients feel positive and happy. Other treatments include managing liver health problems with antibiotics and positive liver-health promoting vitamins.
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  8. Is Surgery An Option?
    Severe liver damage will eventually result in all those with chronic hepatitis C. It typically takes about 20 years for this to occur, but when it does, the liver may start shutting down. Transplants and liver removal may be necessary in these cases, as this will be the only way to prevent complete liver failure. In severe cases, death may occur with hepatitis C, but only about 1-5 percent of those who have the disease will die from it.
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