Flu Symptoms and Treatments

Flu season is on the way, and everyone is susceptible to it. While getting your flu shot is one way to prevent the flu, many may still become infected. Paying attention to the signs and symptoms of the flu can help you start recovering sooner, but you should also take the necessary steps to avoid infecting other people. Medications available from doctors and over-the-counter can help relieve a number of flu symptoms, and so can plenty of home remedies that can increase your well-being considerably. If you are concerned about the flu or thing you may be infected already, check out these frequently asked questions to learn more about treatments and symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What other over-the-counter options do I have?

    For some, acetaminophen may not be as effective when it comes to keeping fevers down. Ibuprofen, also known as Advil can relieve both aches and reduce fever. If congestion is severe, Sudafed, purchased behind the counter can work wonders, but watch out for the weaker version sold over-the-counter call Sudafed PE. There are also over-the-counter remedies available like Zicam which claims to shorten the duration of your cold.

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  2. How do I know I have the flu and not a cold?

    While the flu has many of the same symptoms of a cold, including headache, coughing, runny nose and watery eyes, rarely is a cold accompanied by fever. Most cases of the flu will be accompanied by a fever and it’s important to keep it managed if it gets too high as it could be potentially harmful. Additionally, it should be noted that the flu produces more severe symptoms that can last up to a couple weeks.

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  3. What is the best over-the-counter flu medication?

    Easily the best over-the-counter medications are Vicks Nyquil and DayQuil. These medications help relieve flu symptoms like fever, congestion, headache, body aches and cough. Though, NyQuil and DayQuil are similar when it comes to ingredients, NyQuil is a bit stronger and features Doxylamine Succinate a sedative that will help you fall asleep.

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  4. What is Tamiflu?

    Tamiflu is an antiviral medication only available by prescription. It can help reduce the duration of your flu symptoms by at least a day, but possibly even longer. It must be taken within the first 48 hours of contracting the flu, but it can be taken after if your symptoms are severe enough.

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  5. What are the earliest signs of the flu?

    One of the earliest signs of the flu is a sore throat. But of course, a sore or dry throat does not always mean the flu. Often a sore throat will also be accompanied by body aches that can often be felt in the joints or muscles. If you are experiencing body aches and a sore throat, it may be a good idea to start taking it easy.

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  6. What home remedies should I try?

    Home remedies are always a good idea when it comes to shortening your flu symptoms, and they certainly can’t hurt. One thing everyone should do is drink plenty of fluids as this will prevent dehydration which can make you sicker. Choose water, fruit juices and Gatorade as these drinks contain plenty of electrolytes. Drinking hot fluids like herbal teas and soups will help relieve sore throat. If you are suffering from sinus headaches, you could try using a hot washcloth on your face, ot take a hot shower that can help open up your sinuses and relieve congestion. Lastly, you want to get rest, a lot of rest, as this is the quickest way for your body to recover.

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  7. Where can I get a flu shot?

    You can get a flu shot from your primary care provider. These are usually covered by insurance, but if you don’t have insurance, they are affordable out of pocket. Many pharmacies, such as CVS, also provide flu shots to customers, making them readily available and easy to obtain, even without an appointment.

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  8. Should I get a flu shot?

    Everyone should get the flu shot provided it is safe for them to do so. If you are not sure, ask your doctor what they recommend. It is important to realize that a flu shot does not protect just you, it also protects the people around you who cannot get a flu shot. And while you may still get the flu, the flu shot can shorten the duration of the flu.

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