Finding an Electrical Technician

When there is an electrical problem, the last thing home or business owners should try to do is fix it themselves. Electrical technicians are professionals that provide expert installation, maintenance, and repairs on electrical systems in homes and businesses. An electrical technician may also offer valuable maintenance and repairs for electronic devices of all kinds. These can include anything from a simple MP3 player to a complex MRI machine in a health clinic or hospital. Because certain electronic equipment can be so complex, some electrical technicians specialize in specific machines. Electrical technicians provide valuable services that can’t be completed by just anyone. Here are important questions to ask when finding a good electrical technician.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What companies help home and business owners find electrical technicians?

    There are many online websites that help consumers find electrical technician, including Angie’s List, Home Advisor, Electrical Repairmen, Hoover, and more. Larger companies, like Home Depot, Sears, and Lowe’s, may be able to refer quality electrical technicians to home and business owners.

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  2. What kind of education and experience does this electrical technician have?

    The electrical technician should be upfront about when and where he finished his schooling as well as where he has worked in the past.

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  3. Is the electrical technician licensed?

    For electrical technicians to be licensed, they need to pass examinations in the states where they operate. Once licensed, they are registered with the state and can be found through the state’s contractors licensing bureau.

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  4. Is the electrical technician bonded?

    When electrical technicians are bonded, this means that the companies they work for are responsible for any damages incurred while the work is being done.

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  5. Is the electrical technician insured?

    Insured electrical technicians are able to cover anything that goes wrong with the repairs they are completing in a home or business.

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  6. Will this electrical technician give me a free estimate on work that needs to be done?

    Many electrical technicians offer free estimates for work in both residential and commercial locations.

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  7. Does this electrical technician have good reviews?

    Many electrical technicians have websites or accounts set up with organizations like Angie’s List where customers can leave reviews.

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  8. What does this electrical technician specialize in?

    Electricians must be proficient in many different types of electricity repairs, many of them complex. However, some electrical technicians have more training in residential installation and repair, while others prefer to work in the commercial sector.

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