Finding the Best Chronic Pain Relief

Chronic pain sufferers often search for the most effective pain relievers that cause the least amount of side effects and discomfort. Treatments for chronic pain are typically prescriptions drugs and other medications to stop the patient from feeling pain. Other treatments include physical and hydrotherapies as well as massage and yoga. Relief is often found through a combination of various methods with pain medication being the foundation for the treatment. In addition to prescription medications, there are currently options that are available without a prescription. In some states, the use of marijuana has been legalized to treat various medical ailments, including chronic pain. One of the challenges of successfully treating chronic pain is the body's ability to create a tolerance for medications, thus lessening their effectiveness. Chronic pain can cause the patient to withdraw from an active life, and in these circumstances, alternative methods may be beneficial.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. Does chronic pain become more debilitating as one ages?

    Typically, if chronic pain is due to another disease or disorder, or caused by spinal and back problems, it will worsen with age. Due to this debilitative nature, many patients will opt for a surgical solution in an effort to forestall the pain as they become older.

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  2. Can meditation help chronic pain sufferers?

    Many pain management professionals are beginning to augment their patients' treatments with non-traditional remedies such as meditation and yoga. These treatments have varying degrees of success depending upon the individual, but many people do find them worth exploring.

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  3. What causes chronic pain?

    There are many causes of chronic pain from reoccurring injuries, to disk and spinal problems. Some illnesses such as lupus and ALS also cause chronic pains. Migraine sufferers can also experience chronic pain due to reoccurring headaches that cause them to lose daily functionality.

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  4. What causes chronic pain?

    There are many causes of chronic pain from reoccurring injuries, to disk and spinal problems. Some illnesses such as lupus and ALS also cause chronic pains. Migraine sufferers can also experience chronic pain due to reoccurring headaches that cause them to lose daily functionality.

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  5. What are some alternative treatments for chronic pain relief?

    There are many alternatives that are being explored due to the issues that can occur with taking painkillers for an extended period of time. Light exercise such as swimming can be very effective in lessening pain, as can massage and electric stimulation. These treatments are generally thought to be supplemental to pain medication.

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  6. Can physical fitness lessen the effects of chronic pain?

    A high level of overall fitness can be beneficial in many ways. When the body's core is strengthened it is able to better support the spine and maintain a healthy alignment. Improved cardiovascular health can also improve the quality of life for those that suffer from chronic pain.

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  7. Will chronic pain ever go away?

    Dependent on the cause of chronic pain, it can go away or become much more manageable. Relief from situations caused by a car accident usually occurs as the body heals and becomes stronger. Pain from degenerative back pain, for example, will likely worsen over time.

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  8. Is it possible to become addicted to medications prescribed for chronic pain?

    Addiction to pain pills is a very real phenomenon that affects many people who suffer from chronic pain. Physicians who oversee pain management need to be ever vigilant with their patients' pain thresholds and continuously monitor their dosage.

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  9. What are the most effective types of chronic pain relief?

    Opioids are the most common class of drug used to combat chronic pain. High doses of more common pain relievers such as ibuprofen and naproxen are also used in pain management protocols. Topical remedies and electrodes are two examples of non-drug remedies.

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