Choosing Weight Loss Supplements

If you're looking to lose some weight, there is no time like the present to start. You might think you need a little bit of help to kick start your weight loss and are looking at weight loss supplements. These are over-the-counter products that are not evaluated by the FDA and many offer miracle losses that they just can't back up with real data. However, there are some weight loss supplements out there that really do work. You need some help finding the one that will actually help to take off those extra pounds without causing any extra damage to your overall health. The top five weight loss supplements to look for are caffeine, Hydroxycut, green tea extract, conjugated lineolic acid( CLA), and glucomannan. Keep reading to see the top questions and answers about the top weight loss supplements, so you can choose one that's right for you.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Which weight loss supplement will help me feel full?

    Glucomman (aka gonjak) is a fiber from a yam. It absorbs water and becomes more like a gel which then sits in your stomach for a period of time. It makes you feel full, which can help you eat less. It does eventually pass through your body without causing any harm. However, you can experience bloating and flatulence. It can also interfere with the proper digestion of prescription medications, so be sure to talk to your doctor before taking this supplement.

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  2. Which has the least side effects?

    Green tea extract has the least amount of side effects. Besides boosting your norepinephrine levels, it also is a great source of antioxidants. There is some caffeine in it, but minimal levels. In general caffeine and glucomannan also have minimal side effects. CLA is effective in the short term but side effects become more severe over time.

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  3. Are any available as organic compounds?

    Green tea extract is often marketed to the organic food segment. It is possible to find organic glucomannan as well since it is made directly from a plant. Hydroxycut, caffeine, and CLA are not available with an organic label.

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  4. Should I check with my doctor before taking a weight loss supplement?

    Always make an appointment with your doctor before starting any weight loss regimen, especially before using supplements. They will want to review any possible interactions between your prescription medications and the supplements. Also, if you are prone to high blood pressure or anxiety, they may have other supplements you can use that won't exacerbate your condition.

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  5. Should I stop using any of these supplements after a couple months?

    CLA builds up over time and can cause some severe side effects if you don't stop using it after six to eight weeks. Some conditions associated with long-term use are fatty liver, an increased insulin resistance, and aggravated inflammation.

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  6. Which weight loss supplement is best overall?

    Studies have shown that glucomannan offers the best weight loss over a short period of time with the fewest side effects, up to 10 pounds in just 5 weeks. Since it fools your body into thinking it is full, you will want to also attend a weight loss group to help change your eating habits, otherwise, the weight will easily pile right back on.

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  7. Are these supplements available over the counter or do I need a prescription?

    Any product described as a supplement is not an FDA approved compound able to treat any disease or condition. You can find all of these supplements on the shelf at your local pharmacy or vitamin store. When reading the labels, be very careful about any claims a supplement might make. The studies are often conducted by the company and are not subject to peer review.

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  8. Which supplements can help boost my metabolism?

    Caffeine, Hydroxycut, and CLA each are known to boost metabolism, which can help you burn more calories. It can also help you fight off the side effects of missing needed nutrients while dieting. However, anxiety, increased blood pressure, and rapid heartbeat can be associated with any metabolism booster.

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