Choosing the Best Children's Allergy Medicine

Many parents are reluctant to give their children allergy medications without the advice of their family physician as many do have side effects. Children who are susceptible to allergies are best served with a visit to a dedicated children's allergist who will provide testing and a course of action for dealing with allergies. Medications that are effective for adult allergy patients may cause harm to children as the dosage may overwhelm their systems. Rather than simply reducing the dosage amount, parents are advised to visit with a child allergist to receive medication that is specifically formulated for use in children. There are also multiple types of over-the-counter remedies that are formulated for use by children that are known to be safe and effective. Always check with a physician prior to starting any new medication whether for an adult or a child.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Is Benadryl safe for children?

    Benadryl does offer a children's formula that has been safely and effectively used for many years. It is always best to check with one's physician prior to starting any new medication. This medication can also be effectively used to treat the discomfort caused by insect bites and bee stings.

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  2. What are the symptoms of allergies?

    Symptoms can vary from person to person based on the type of allergy, but common symptoms include swelling of face or extremities, running nose, sneezing, and lethargy. Any of these symptoms should be brought to the family doctor's attention immediately.

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  3. Do allergies worsen with age?

    Some people are lucky enough to outgrow their allergies while others may have symptoms that worsen over time. It really is an individual occurrence and will differ from person to person.

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  4. Are there side effects with allergy medications?

    There are numerous side effects that can occur with allergy medications and these should be discussed with the child prior to administering the medication. Side effects can include an increased heart rate, sweatiness, loss of appetite, and fitful sleep. If any symptoms seem out of the ordinary it is best to contact a doctor immediately.

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  5. Do all children need to see an allergist?

    Children do not need to see an allergist unless they are suffering from multiple symptoms typically associated with childhood allergies. Many parents do have all of their children tested regardless of the presence of symptoms as a safety measure.

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  6. What are some environmental causes of allergy symptoms?

    Dust and animal dander are two of the most common causes of allergic reactions. Ragweed and pollen are two seasonal triggers that can affect sufferers at the same time each year. Foods and other ingestibles can also trigger allergies. Most childhood allergies are plant, animal, or food relate.

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  7. Are cold medications effective for treating allergies?

    While colds and allergies do often have similar symptoms, their underlying causes are different. Colds are a temporary affliction that is caused by bacteria that affects the body. Many allergies are reoccurring and if not dealt with effectively can cause children prolonged and unnecessary discomfort.

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  8. How are any allergies to medications determined?

    An allergist can run a full battery of tests to determine any allergies prior to children being exposed to such items. Most children discover their allergies through a process of taking the medication or eating the food and then becoming ill. In order to avoid such circumstances, testing can be done at a young age.

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