Dealing with Childhood ADHD

More and more children today are being diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed medication to treat the disorder. In addition to medication, there are a growing number of other treatments available such as meditation and natural products. The most common medication for childhood ADHD is Ritalin, other medications include Adderall and Dexedrine. For parents that would like to avoid the side effects of such pills, there are other options available. Supplements that are said to increase focus are often turned to but such remedies are not approved by the FDA. Many doctors will work with the child to determine the lowest possible dosage that is still effective. Changes to diet to decrease the amount of processed foods and increase the number of leafy vegetables consumed has proven successful in some cases. Increased activity and participation in group sports have also shown some favorable results.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. If one child has ADHD will their siblings also have it?

    Even though it is thought to be caused by genetic factors, not all children within a single family will suffer from the disorder. This factor has caused researchers and doctors much consternation as they strive to learn more about the disorder and its effective treatment.

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  2. Is ADHD more common in boys than in girls?

    Similar to autism, ADHD is much more prevalent in boys than in girls. Doctors do not know who to explain this phenomenon but consider it to be linked to the genetic nature of the disorder. This fact also makes it less likely for girls that are suffering from ADHD to be correctly diagnosed.

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  3. What causes ADHD?

    The causes of ADHD are not known. Many doctors and researchers have differing theories, but nothing has been proven beyond a hypothetical level. Typically, the causes of ADHD in children are genetic.

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  4. Can ADHD be cured?

    ADHD can be successfully treated to minimize its effect on the patient's daily life. Many children do outgrow the disorder and will not require treatment or medication into adulthood.

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  5. Do children with ADHD have a higher level of intelligence?

    While anyone can suffer from ADHD it is thought to be more prevalent in children with high intelligence. This has been continuously studied by researchers who hope that it can give further insight into the causes and treatments of the disorder.

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  6. Are music therapy techniques effective in treating ADHD?

    Treatments such as music and art therapies are often used with varying levels of success in ADHD children. Some children are more responsive than others, and many doctors are adding these treatments to their overall course of action with child ADHD sufferers.

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  7. Can natural remedies be used in conjunction with prescriptions?

    It is never a good idea to combine supplements with prescription medications without the advice of a physician. There have been cases where children are responsive to natural remedies with or without their combination with other medications. Every case is different and it is best to consult with a physician before taking any medications or supplements.

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  8. What happens if ADHD goes untreated?

    Many cases of ADHD do go untreated and the child is labeled as problematic or unruly. These behavioral issues are often the sign of a deeper problem, and any parent who has a child that is not thriving should have them examined by a professional who deals with behavioral issues in children.

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