Buying K-Cup Coffee Online

Shopping for Keurig cups online is a great way to enjoy numerous flavors of coffee at bargain prices. Keurig cups, also known as K cups, have grown in popularity for their convenience and ordering options. Not only can you order K cups for regular or decaff coffee, but you can also find specialty K cups with flavors such as mocha, white chocolate, cappuccino and more. Also, most K cups fit with the majority of coffee pod machines. You can save money by ordering in bulk, but smaller ordering options are also available. More people are making the switch from traditional coffee makers to Keurig machines, which means the demand for K cups is on the rise. Read on for more information about ordering K cup coffee online.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What about reusable K Cup pods?

    A big criticism of K cups is that the pods are only used once. However, many K cup retailers sell refillable K cup pods that can be used repeatedly. Rather than order individual pods, you can order bags of Keurig-ready coffee that go into your reusable filter. Then just wash it in the sink.

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  2. Can I order in bulk?

    Always ask about bulk ordering options if you're ordering K cups for offices. You can often save money through bulk ordering, and you might be eligible for other benefits, too.

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  3. Which coffee roasts are available?

    Do you prefer light, medium or dark roasts? Most K cup retailers carry all of them, so you'll have the chance to choose. You'll also get to pick from several different coffee companies.

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  4. Can I get K cup cocoa or tea?

    Do you want more than just coffee? Most K cup retailers also sell coffee, tea and other beverages that can be made with your Keurig machine.

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  5. Does this retailer offer samples of K cup flavors?

    Many online Keurig pod retailers offer discounted sample packs of various flavors. With these sample packs, you can try out new flavors without needing to spend lots of money to do so.

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  6. Is this the best price for these K cups?

    If you find a K cup pod you enjoy, compare prices on different online retailers to see whether you're getting the best prices. You might be able to save money by switching to a different online retailer.

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  7. Does this online retailer offer free shipping?

    Ordering K cups online is much cheaper if you can get free shipping. Ask about shipping options and see which retailers offer the best deals.

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  8. How quick are deliveries?

    Do you want fast turnaround times for your orders, or do you want your K cups delivered on a regular schedule? Different retailers have different policies for the frequency of their online deliveries.

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