Products for Quitting Smoking

Need help kicking the habit? Quitting smoking is a tough trial for anyone, let alone heavy smokers who just can’t seem to manage it. While you may have tried quitting cold turkey, you have come to learn that it’s not just as simple as stopping. Only with proper planning and the right smoking aid products can you ween yourself off cigarettes for good. The best smoking cessation products like patches and gums can be incredibly useful in helping you kick the habit. However, there are also some incredible prescription options which have already helped numerous ex-smokers. If you have been searching for the perfect solution for quitting smoking, there is hope. If you want to learn more about the best products for quitting smoking, check out these most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Do nicotine gums and patches come in different strengths?

    Nicotine gum and patches are available in different strengths as starting with a strong dose and gradually reducing your dose is the best way to ween yourself and prevent cravings. Nicotine patches are available in different steps with each step bringing you closer to quitting, while Nicorette gum comes in doses of 4mg and 2mg.

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  2. What is the best nicotine gum?

    The best nicotine gum on the market is Nicorette gum. Easy to chew and flavorful, you can use Nicorette Gum every time you feel the urge to smoke. Chewing takes about 30 minutes but it should be noted that there is a specific way to chew, requiring you to switch sides in your mouth.

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  3. What flavors are available?

    The gum comes in six different flavors, including the all new spearmint burst flavor that has a hint of chamomile. Other flavors include Cinnamon Surge, Fruit Chill, White Ice Mint, Mint and the original flavor. With so many flavors to try, you can find the best tasting solution for you.

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  4. What if I don’t like chewing gum?

    If you don’t like chewing gum, there is another option. Nicorette also makes lozenges that you can just pop in your mouth like any cough drop or hard candy. Let it dissolve in your mouth and get your nicotine fix.

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  5. What is the best nicotine patch?

    The best nicotine patch on the market is NicoDerm CQ. NicoDerm CQ is typically worn discreetely on the shoulder and is easy to apply. It releases nicotine throughout the day so that you never need to smoke another cigarette. The patch should be replaced every 16 to 24 hours.

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  6. Can I smoke while wearing the patch?

    While technically you can smoke while wearing the patch, if you feel the urge to smoke, you probably need something stronger so that you can ween yourself off cigarettes. However, there is nothing dangerous per say if you have a cigarette while wearing the patch or just after. But it should be noted that some people have reported feeling sick after smoking while wearing the patch.

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  7. What prescription drugs are available?

    Prescription smoking cessation drugs can work wonders for patients who are looking to quit and have found no luck with over the counter products. One of these prescription drugs is Chantix, a prescription drug that is taken for a 12-week period in order to block the effects of smoking. In doing so, Chantix makes smoking less desirable, therefore making you more likely to quit.

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  8. Are there any major side effects with prescription drugs?

    Unless you are having an allergic reaction, Chantix does not usually produce major side effects. Typical side effects include nausea, vomiting, constipation gas and drowsiness. These symptoms usually do not persist, and often patients will be given a smaller dose at first to help prevent these symptoms.

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