8 FAQs About Getting the Best Kauai Vacation Deals

Get away to Kauai! Now’s your chance to pick up a deal on a Kauai vacation for a lot less. With these Kauai vacations, you can save money on your very own trip to paradise. The Hawaiian Island of Kauai gives you a taste of the tropical without having to get a passport. Offering crystal blue waters, lush green foliage and powdery sands, the island of Kauai is like nothing you’ve ever seen. It’s also home to the Sleeping Giant mountain ridge and Walmea Canyon – two of the most popular sites in Kauai. While, typically, you could end up spending thousands of dollars on your trip, the best Kauai vacation packages can mark off hundreds of dollars from the price. If you are interested in the best Kauai vacation deals, check out these most frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Where can I find deals on Kauai vacations?

    You can find plenty of Kauai travel deals from websites like Expedia, Travelocity, and Orbitz. There you can choose any arrival and departure date you’d like and find hotel accommodations for length of your stay in Kauai. The best deals will be shown in the first few searches, but you can narrow your results to find options that better suit your needs, for instance, if you are looking for a pet-friendly hotel or a hotel with certain amenities.

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  2. Are flights included in the price?

    Part of what makes the top Kauai vacation deals so great is that they all include non-stop round-trip flights to and from Kauai. However, you’ll only get economy/coach class flights. If you want first or business class flights, you’ll need to pay extra. Amenities include a bar/lounge, a full-service spa, a restaurant and so much more. Buffet breakfasts are served each morning and room service is available around the clock. Free Wi-Fi is available in every room, as well as toiletries and daily housekeeping.

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  3. What is the best deal from Expedia?

    Currently, the best deal from Expedia is the Koa Koa Hotel and Resort. Normally, priced at $3,991 for a week-long stay in Kauai, you can get your Kauai flight and hotel accommodations at Expedia for just $3,200 – a savings of nearly $800! Amenities include a bar/lounge, a full-service spa, a restaurant and so much more. Buffet breakfasts are served each morning and room service is available around the clock. Free Wi-Fi is available in every room, as well as toiletries and daily housekeeping.

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  4. What is the best deal from Travelocity?

    Check out the the Point at Poipu by Diamond Resorts at Travelocity. Get this fantastic deal at just $859 for a 5-day stay in Kauai and your flight – normally valued at $1,333 per person. Each condo features two bedrooms, a kitchen and an ocean view, and even a fully furnished balcony, making it a terrific option for families. Amenities include a poolside bar, a bar/lounge, concierge services, fitness center and more. Nearby you can engage in a number of activities including golfing, biking, hiking, kayaking and much more. A restaurant is available on-site. Check it out at Travelocity to learn more.

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  5. What is the best deal from Orbitz?

    If you are really looking for an affordable Kauai vacation deal, the Castle Kauai Kailani hotel is modestly priced at $894 for a week-long stay, saving over $100 when you book your flight and hotel together at Orbitz. Individual condos feature kitchens, free Wi-Fi and flat-screen TVs. An outdoor pool is available on the premises as well as a picnic area.

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  6. How long do these deals last?

    Kauai vacation deals, especially during the summer, do not last long. Either deals will be temporary, or they will sell out fast. If you see a deal you want, it’s important to catch it before it disappears. Compare Kauai vacation packages online and the websites will show you how much time is left for a deal and how many spots are available.

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  7. What are the cancellation policies?

    The cancellation policies for bookings will vary depending on the hotels cancels individual cancellation policy. It is not up to Orbitz, Travelocity or Expedia to decide or compensate you for a cancelled trip. However, most hotels and resorts offer free cancellation, provided you give at least 24-hour notice.

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  8. Are fees included?

    Unfortunately, prices at Expedia and other travel websites only reflect the cost of your hotel and your flight when booking Kauai travel deals. Baggage fees, airline fees, and taxes are not included in the price. Therefore, you may see a small increase in price, after these deals are applied, depending on the weight of your bags and which airline you are using, pending the fees associated with that airline.

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