Top Questions

1. >Choosing the Best Probiotics on the Market

Probiotics support our digestive and overall health by supporting friendly bacteria that live in our guts. While we generally think of bacteria as tiny intruders that make us sick, our bodies use good kinds of bacteria to stay healthy, especially when it comes to digesting food. Researchers continue to publish findings on the advantages of supporting specific bacterial strains through probiotics, including easing irritable bowel syndrome, vaginal yeast infections, and depression. While probiotics are not a magic pill, they can help keep bacterial balance that can be easily interrupted by...

2. >The Top Probiotics Available

In the last several years, greater attention has been focused on the importance of probiotics for digestive health and well-being. It was known that yogurt and some fermented foods were a great source of probiotics, but there are now supplements on the market which deliver a greater amount of the live organisms which create a healthy environment inside the body's digestive system. Probiotics help regulate a variety of digestive processes and help prevent illness that can result from a lack of the healthy bacteria necessary to achieve proper function. The top probiotic brands on the marke...

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