Treatments for Cold Sores

Cold sores are very common (as much as 67 percent of the world’s population under age 50 has been exposed to the cold sore virus) and are caused by the HSV (herpes simplex virus) type one. Cold sores can be very painful and very uncomfortable. There is no cure for cold sores, but some top treatments have been approved by the FDA to shorten the healing time. Other treatments have been approved by the FDA to shorten symptom duration and speed healing. Still other treatments help protect healthy cells from the virus. Temporary relief from pain and itching can be obtained from other products which contain menthol and/or phenol, dimethicone and benzocaine. The top treatments for cold sores are Abreva (Docosanol 10% and Benzyl Alcohol), Carmex Cold Sore Treatment (Benzocaine 10%) and Blistex Cold Sore Cream (Docosanol 100 mg). Consider these frequently asked questions when deciding which cold sore treatment is best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Which non-prescription treatment to treat cold sores is FDA approved to shorten healing time when used at the first sign of a cold sore?

    Abreva has been approved by the FDA to shorten healing time when used at the first sign of a cold sore. Neither Carmex Cold Sore Treatment or Blistex Cold Sore Cream has this FDA approval. Abreva has been found to heal a cold sore in as little as 2.5 days when used at first sign of a cold sore. Median healing time in a study was 4.1 days but 25 percent of users healed in 2.5 days.

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  2. Which non-prescription treatment to treat cold sores has been approved by the FDA to shorten symptom duration?

    Abreva is the only non-prescription cold sore treatment currently approved to shorten symptom duration. According to dermatologists, it is important to act quickly and apply Abreva when you first feel tingling or itching. Doctors also recommend using cold compresses along with Abreva, taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen for pain and avoiding hot beverages. Salty, acidic or spicy foods should also be avoided.

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  3. Is Abreva the only cold sore treatment that contains Docosanol which protects healthy cells from the cold sore virus?

    No. Abreva contains Docosanol 10% which has been proven to block entrance of the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV 1) into healthy cells. It does this by inhibiting the fusion between the plasma membrane (skin cell membrane) and the external envelope of the HSV 1 thus preventing the cold sore virus from entering the healthy skin cell and subsequently replicating and reproducing.Blistex Cold Sore Cream also contains Docosanol (100 mg) but Carmex Cold Sore Treatment does not contain Docosanol.

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  4. What is the typical cost of Abreva, Carmex Cold Sore Treatment and Blistex Cold Sore Cream?

    The approximate cost of Abreva is $20 for a 2-gram tube containing 10% Docosanol. The cost of a tube of Carmex is approximately $12. The cost of Blistex Cold Sore Cream is about $15 to $17.

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  5. What are the possible side effects of cold sore treatments?

    Cold sore treatments such as Abreva, Carmex Cold Sore Treatment and Blistex Cold Sore Cream usually have little to no side effects. Very infrequently, users will complain of a rash or itching at the application site or they may experience a headache. Extremely rarely, someone who is allergic to one of the components of the treatment may have a severe allergic reaction with problems breathing and tongue swelling.

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  6. Which cold sore treatments contain camphor, menthol and/or phenol?

    Only Blistex Cold Sore Cream contains camphor, menthol and phenol. Abreva and Carmex Cold Sore Treatment do not contain camphor, menthol or phenol. Camphor, menthol and phenol temporarily relieve the symptoms of a cold sore and moisturize it.

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  7. Which cold sore treatments will provide temporary relief of symptoms?

    Abreva, Carmex Cold Sore Treatment and Blistex Cold Sore Cream all provide temporary relief of cold sore symptoms.

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  8. Which cold sore treatment contains Dimethicone and what does it do to help the symptoms of a cold sore?

    Only Blistex Cold Sore Cream contains Dimethicone cream. Abreva and Carmex Cold Sore Treatment do not contain Dimethicone. Dimethicone is a moisturizer that helps to treat the irritation and itching caused by the cold sore.

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