Tooth Pain Treatments

Tooth pain is difficult to handle and can prevent even normal activities if the pain is severe. If you have a lot of tooth pain, you should see a dentist, but sometimes you cannot immediately. There are some good medications that can provide fast relief. There are also general pain relievers that work well when you have a chronic condition, or you have a damaged tooth. In the case of a damaged tooth, taking a general pain reliever can also prevent pain from starting. The best three treatments for tooth pain are Orajel, Ambesol and Excedrin Extra Strength. There are also some general home remedies for minor pain and irritation. But even with moderate pain, you can still find some good pain relievers without a prescription.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. What about other mouth issues?

    Cold sores are the most common problem people have. The discomfort can be treated with a gel or liquid pain reliever. It won't cure the problem but it will provide temporary relief.

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  2. What will make a tooth stop hurting fast?

    Orajel Instant Pain Relief is a liquid you apply directly to the tooth or gum that is painful. It contains Benzocaine, which will make the pain go away immediately. Some complain it doesn't last a long time, but it does provide quick relief. It is also good for some relief when you have pain after a dentist visit. Different levels of relief are available, such as Maximum and Severe.

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  3. ? What is a good medicine for irritations in the mouth?

    Ambesol is designed for pain in the mouth, of any kind. It does not have a taste, so it is good for any type of irritation or soreness in the mouth. It also provides immediate relief with the Benzocaine as the primary medication.

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  4. What is the difference between Ambesol and Orajel?

    Ambesol is a liquid and Orajel is a thicker jell like substance. They are applied differently. Orajel can be more easily targeted to a very specific spot, while Ambesol is more of a general area pain reliever. Both contain the same medication.

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  5. What is available for longer term relief?

    Excedrin Extra Strength is a good general pain reliever, and the extra strength part helps with mouth pain as that is usually a very intense pain. This is a good medication to take if you have to wait a few days before you can see your dentist, or if you are just having general pain. It can also prevent pain to some degree by taking it daily for a short period of time.

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  6. What are some home remedies?

    Saltwater is good for minor irritation. For adults, apple cider vinegar or alcohol can relieve minor pain as well. Hydrogen Peroxide is also a general pain reliever that can be applied directly to the affected area. These are good for minor pains. When the pain gets to a certain level you will need something stronger.

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  7. What can be done if your teeth are sensitive to hot or cold?

    There are toothpastes available made specifically for people with sensitive teeth. Using this toothpaste will help your teeth be less sensitive to heat and cold. You can also rub some of it on your gums to stop tooth pain.

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  8. When should a person see a doctor or dentist?

    If you see signs of infection on the gums or mouth. If the pain persists for a couple of weeks, and there is no apparent tooth damage, it is a good idea to see a doctor.

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  9. What can you do to prevent pain from starting?

    Keeping your teeth and gums clean is the best way to prevent problems from starting. Brush your teeth twice per day, and floss each day. Some recommend mouthwashes to kill bacteria that can cause plaque. Getting regular cleanings and checkups is also a good way to prevent problem.

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