The Top Enlarged Prostate Supplements

When considering the number of men who suffer from prostate enlargement, it’s not surprising that many turn to supplements for natural treatment. It’s the most common prostate problem (and medical issue overall) for men over 50, according to the National Kidney and Urological Disease Information Clearinghouse. Enlarged prostate is a medical issue known by several names including benign prostate hyperplasia, or simply BPH. According to the American Urological Association (AUA), by the age 60, over 50 percent of men have prostate enlargement; by age 85, the number rises to 90%. In addition to standard treatments, many men with BPH have found success with supplements -- and there is scientific research to back them up. The supplements that have shown the most promise are Saw palmetto, Pygeum, and Rye Grass.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Can anyone take supplements to treat BPH?

    You should always consult with your doctor before taking any supplements. Supplements can interact negatively with a variety of medications, and each person’s physiology is different. Ask your doctor whether supplements are appropriate for your treatment plan.

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  2. What is Pygeum?

    Pygeum is harvested from the bark of the African plum tree. It has been shown to help some men suffering with BPH to wake less at night to urinate, and to reduce the number of times they urinate per day. It also helps empty the bladder better and promotes a stronger urine stream.

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  3. Is Rye Grass supplement actually grass?

    No, Rye Grass supplement is actually a pollen extract from Rye Grass. It may improve enlarged prostate symptoms such as urination urgency, weak urine stream, painful urination, and dribbling after urination. Additionally, some research indicates it may shrink the prostate.

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  4. What is Saw Palmetto?

    Saw Palmetto is an herbal supplement manufactured from a short North American tree. Some men have found that it relieved issues such as having a hard time beginning urination, a weak urine stream, urination urgency, and frequent urination. While Saw Palmetto as an herb is popular, there are also extracts made from the plant.

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  5. Is Saw Palmetto an effective treatment for BPH?

    While some small studies show promise, larger studies have not found that Saw Palmetto eases urinary symptoms or reduces the size of the prostate. However, it may reduce the feeling of needing to urinate again right after urination. For men reporting success, it takes approximately 4 to 6 weeks to experience results.

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  6. Are there side effects to taking supplements for an enlarged prostate?

    Yes. Side effects of Saw Palmetto can include diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, nausea, headache, and dizziness. Side effects of Pygeum supplementation include nausea and abdominal pain. Rye Grass side effects include distension, stomach swelling, nausea, and heartburn. Possible side effects are why you need to consult your doctor before use.

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  7. What causes BPH?

    Prostate enlargement issues stem from a benign prostate enlargement, which creates pressure on the urethra. When the growth makes the urethra narrow, the bladder contracts harder and uses more force to push urine through the urethra. Over time the bladder muscle gets thicker, stronger, and contracts even when only small amounts of urine are in the bladder.

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  8. Are enlarged prostate supplements safe?

    According to Consumer Reports, dietary supplements such as Pygeum, Rye Grass, and Saw Palmetto are not regulated the way prescription medications are, and their manufacturers are not required to prove to regulators that they are safe. The best way to ensure your supplements are safe is to purchase them from a reputable company.

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