There's nothing quite like a designer handbag to make you feel sleek and sophisticated. Not only are these bags very stylish, but they also tend to have more function and security than more common purses. Additionally, the higher the quality of designer purses in general means they are more likely to last. But of course, all of this comes at a price, which is a much higher price than non-designer brand handbags. Fortunately, savvy shoppers can find great deals on the brands of handbags of their choice if they know where and when to look. The best places to find deals on designer handbags are Poshmark, Macy's, and Read on to find out what you need to know about how to find the best deals on designer handbags.
Poshmark is essentially the eBay of the fashion world, and they have very large selection of new designer bags with tags in addition to lightly used ones. Users can search by designer or by the type of handbag they want, and they can then adjust the results to display by price. The great thing about Poshmark is that they already display the original retail price next to the asking price, allowing users to instantly see what a great deal they are getting.
Some current example of Poshmark's great deals include a Coach Lexy Handbag for $295 (down from $395, as well as an additional 15 percent off if two other items are purchased from the same seller), a Michael Kors Lydia Shoulder bag for $175 (down from $400) and a Versace Collections Bag for $999 (down from $1,800). All of these items are new, with tags.
Macy's has a surprisingly good selection of designer handbags, both in its stores and even more so online. The best deals can be found by searching "Designer handbags" on the store's website, and some of the best deals will pop up instantly. Users can then clarify their search by going by designer, by price or even by hitting "Clearance" or "30 percent off" items.
While their sales generally rotate with each season, Macy's is currently offering quite a few Michael Kors bags on sale for 25 percent off. For example, the Hailee Crossgrain Leather Satchel is now $149.99 (down from $268), and the Mercer Gallery Canvas Center Zip Tote is now $208.50 (down from $278). Additionally, currently on Clearance sale is a Calvin Klein Sonoma Reversible Tote for $88.80 and an additional 30 percent off (for a total sales price of $62.16, down from $148).
The good news is that most items on are already deals, and on top of that they offer different discounts with each season. Overstock has its own "Designer Store" sub-section in Clothing & Shoes, and it is here that designer handbags can be found. Overstock makes it really easy to shop by price, breaking things down into "Deals Under $150", "Deals Under $200", "Deals Under $300" and "Top Sellers".
In addition to specific deals on different bags, is currently offering an 15 percent off on a big selection of designer handbags. For example, the Michael Kors Jetset Crossbody bag is currently being offered for $158.84 (down from $198), and the Coach Glovetanned Leather Saddle Bag is at $212.84 (down from $240). They are also offering various Kate Spade bags for $30 off.
Most recognizable designers like Gucci, Prada, Versace, Saint Laurent, Louis Vuitton, Coach, Michael Kors, Dior, etc. do not generally offer the best deals directly to customers through their stores (online or physical), although they will occasionally have some items on sale and also offer free shipping on many handbags. These designers send sale items to other retailers (like Macy's and to be sold for less.
On Poshmark, returns are generally not accepted (unless something is seriously wrong), although it is important to read the specific guidelines set by each individual seller. Macy's will allow returns on most items that were not sold on clearance, as long as the item is in good condition, has a receipt and preferably still has its tags. Overstock also has specific rules for returns that vary greatly depending on the item and brand, and the fine print should be read with each purchase.