Mold Removal

Mold removal can be a drawn-out and stressful process, especially when not done correctly. It is important that home owners do not try to handle mold themselves; mold removal requires a thorough process to completely eliminate the mold from returning. It may be tempting, but pouring bleach on the noticeable black mold and calling it a day is a bad idea. There are many serious health issues caused by exposure to different types of molds, and only a professional mold removal company can handle some jobs safely and effectively. Mild mold growths can be removed by general contractors or even by homeowners with experience in mold removal. Once mold has been completely removed, it can still return and the process will need to be undertaken again. Read on for more information about mold removal.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. Can carpets that have mold be cleaned and reused?

    Any mold contamination needs to be completely removed from living and working spaces as the spores are very harmful. Carpets and other soft items need to be disposed of properly in accordance with mold remediation regulations.

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  2. How expensive is mold removal?

    The cost of mold removal depends on the size of the area affected and the cost to correct any water damage. If the mold has traveled into air ducts and HVAC systems, the cost can be quite substantial to remediate the problem.

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  3. Does water damage always lead to mold?

    While water damage can create a very favorable environment for the growth of mold, every leak does not always cause mold. Water damage that is immediately and effectively dealt with is much less likely to cause mold.

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  4. Can exposure to mold cause asthma?

    Black mold spores can cause asthma as well as other symptoms similar to that of allergies. When the spores enter the body they will cause sneezing, congestion and a runny nose. If the spores travel to the lungs they can cause asthma.

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  5. How can a home be monitored for the existence of mold?

    If there is a concern that mold may be present in the home, there are a few monitoring options. Samples can be taken from walls or carpets and tested. Another effective tool is air quality testing that can determine if unhealthy levels of mold are present.

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  6. Do insurance companies cover mold removal?

    Insurance companies will ascertain the cause of the mold damage to discern if it is a coverable event. The cause of the water damage is usually the information that most heavily weighs their decision. All home owner's policies can vary and it is best to check with one's insurance agent.

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  7. Is medical attention necessary after exposure to mold?

    Exposure to mold can cause coldlike symptoms that do not go away. Anyone that has been exposed to black mold needs to undergo testing to ensure that irreperable harm is not caused to their health.

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  8. What is black mold?

    Stachybotrys, otherwise known as black mold, is highly toxic and dangerous to humans and pets. Whenever the presence of mold is discovered in a home it should be tested immediately. Black mold is very dangerous and it can cause a home to become uninhabitable.

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