Getting an Incontinence Sling

Urinary or bladder incontinence is a common problem among men and women. Urinary incontinence can result from pregnancy, damaged nerves, weak bladder muscles or an overactive bladder -- numerous illnesses and even injuries can also cause it. Incontinence, the release of involuntary urine from the bladder, can be helped with incontinence slings and other medical devices. The incontinence sling is inserted by performing three incisions; one through the vaginal area and two small incisions in the abdominal area. While this form of treatment isn't used until medications, bladder rehab training and other options have failed, incontinence slings have still brought relief to scores of sufferers. Read on to learn more about what it means to get an incontinence sling.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What is an incontinence sling?

    An incontinence sling, often referred to as a bladder sling, is used to treat SUI or stress urinary incontinence. The sling is made of multiple strips of material known as a surgical mesh. The sling is designed to create a pelvic palette or hammock, which attaches to the neck of the bladder to help keep the urethra in place. Alternative names for the incontinence sling are transobturator sling and Pubo- vaginal sling.

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  2. How can an incontinence sling help?

    The sling provides adequate support to the bladder and prevents the bladder from drooping. Sometimes, the sling works extremely well, and others time it might not. The possibility of a recurring bladder leakage is possible, and the sling might need to be replaced. However, this does not apply to everyone. Some people can wear the sling for years and never experience a problem.

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  3. Are bladder slings for women only?

    The incontinence sling is not just for women. Although, women experience more problems with bladder control than men. As women's bodies go through childbearing, pelvic surgery and other major changes, the risk of incontinence is great. Therefore, women are more prone to have problems with incontinence or involuntary leakage. Men also experience incontinence, and the procedure to insert an incontinence sling is somewhat different.

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  4. When might men need bladder slings?

    Although men experience problems with their bladders, women do too. Men who experience stress incontinence, overflow incontinence, urge incontinence and prostate problems, are potential candidates for an incontinence sling.

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  5. How long is the recovery after getting a bladder sling?

    Recovery time after an incontinence surgery is usually a few weeks to a few months. Again, this depends on the severity of the surgery. If the condition requires inserting a mesh sling without complications, recovery time could be short. However, if doctors ran into a complication or if the bladder was damaged, recovery time could be longer. Doctors insist that patients not do any physical activities or participate in sexual activities until they are medically cleared to do so. Ignoring these warnings can prolong recovery, and prompt the need for another surgery.

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  6. Are there risks of getting a bladder sling?

    As with any surgery, no matter how small, the risk is always involved. Sometimes, the benefits outweigh the risk. However, risks associated with bladder sling surgery or internal bleeding, infections at the site, and emotional and physical pain.

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  7. What other treatments might my doctor recommend?

    Aside from surgery, doctors may also recommend other forms of treatment or other treatment options in addition to surgery. However, this depends on the severity of the problem, and the health of the patient. Other alternatives include taking medication, performing pelvic exercises, and participating in behavior changes.

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  8. Have I exhausted all other options?

    Before a doctor makes a surgical decision, other treatment methods are researched, tested and tried to ensure the patient is getting the best and safest treatment available.

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