Epilepsy Treatment Options

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures and can affect people of all ages. Various treatment methods may be used to stop seizures or lessen their occurrence. Treatment for epilepsy normally occurs after a second seizure has taken place. Medications are normally tried first before other types of methods are used to control seizures. While there are often side-effects when using medications, these are usually mild and can be reduced by altering the dosage prescribed. Since there are several causes for epilepsy, the type of treatment method that will work best will vary for each individual. Surgery, diet, and even alternative methods can be used to treat this condition, but the best epilepsy treatment option remains customized treatment plans using specialized medication. The following information answers important questions regarding epilepsy treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. Can epilepsy be cured?

    No, epilepsy can't be cured, but the seizures can be controlled. With various types of seizure treatment, usually medication, many people can become seizure free. Others will still experiences seizures, only less frequently. Some people who suffered from seizures when they were children may grow up to never experience any more seizures.

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  2. What medications are used to control epilepsy?

    Carbatrol, Diazepam, and Aptiom are medications used to treat epilepsy. Medications normally control the seizures in about 70 percent of people. What type of medication is used will depend on other illnesses patients may have and their tolerance for any of the side-effects. Medications come in various forms including liquids, capsules, and tablets.

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  3. Are there epilepsy medications for children?

    There are several new drugs that have become available for children within the last decade. It's important to note that there isn't one particular medication that is a silver bullet for all epilepsy patients. The goal is for a physician to fine-tune each child's specific treatment plan with a combination of medications and various dosages.

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  4. Are there any surgical treatments for epilepsy?

    Surgery may be an option for the approximately 30 percent of individuals in which medication does not work. Surgery may be particularly effective for treating epilepsy if tests show that the seizures originate in a small area of the brain that won't affect areas pertaining to functions such as speech, vision, or motor function. Sometimes cuts in the brain are made in parts that can't be removed.

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  5. Can epilepsy be treated with special diets?

    The Ketogenic Diet has been used for years to help reduce seizures. This particular diet raises metabolism, induces fat burning, and puts the body in a state of fasting. The medical community has long known that a fasting state that produces ketones will help reduce the number of seizures an individual experiences. Avoiding alcohol may also lessen or eliminate seizures.

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  6. What is Vagus nerve stimulation?

    A device similar to a pacemaker is placed in the body near the vagus nerve. It is implanted in the chest under general anesthesia. Adjustable settings will generate pulses of electricity. When bringing a small hand-held magnet near the device it will generate immediate electricity that will stop or reduce a seizure.

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  7. Can alternative therapies be used to treat epilepsy?

    There are several types of alternative treatment options for epilepsy that may help. These include vitamins, melatonin, and biofeedback. Biofeedback can be used to produce relaxation in the body to help lower blood pressure and heart rate. Research on the effectiveness of melatonin has so far produced mixed results.

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  8. What factors determine which treatments work best?

    There are several factors that will determine which type of treatment will work best for each individual. A few factors that physicians would consider include the severity and frequency of the seizures, the individual's age, the person's general health, and their overall medical history. The side-effects that accompany treatment are always taken into consideration.

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  9. Are other medications being researched for epilepsy treatment?

    A few current trends that are being explored include using a certain type of ADHD drug to treat epilepsy patients. There is also genetic research that has found a link between bipolar disorder and epilepsy. New studies have also explored how flashing lights may trigger epileptic seizures.

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