Choosing the Best Floor Cleaner

Everyone needs to clean their floor from time to time, some even on a daily basis. But because there are so many different types of floors with many different uses, floor cleaner doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution (despite what some labels may boast). The best choice of floor cleaner will hinge on whether you're cleaning wood floors, tile floors, carpets or other surfaces. You might also prefer specific brands of cleaning products, or you may need floor cleaners made for mops or other applicators. That said, choosing the best floor cleaner doesn't have to be a chore. Here are several questions people should be asking when it comes to choosing the best floor cleaner.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What kind of floor is this cleaner for?

    Different floors require different types of cleaners. For example, one would not use a hard-wood floor cleaning product on a linoleum or laminate floor. Likewise, the harsher chemicals used in other floor cleaners will not be suitable for a wood floor. Then there are floors like those made out of concrete, which require something much more abrasive. Users should be sure to read what each floor cleaner is intended for before making a purchase.

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  2. Will this floor cleaner be for commercial or residential use?

    Commercial floors will not only require greater quantities of cleaner, but they will also usually be more heady-duty and contain harsher chemicals (which is fine considering that clean floors will often be able to sit overnight untouched). Likewise, owners of commercial floors will also need to adhere to cleanliness standards and safety laws, so those are also things to be aware of.

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  3. What kind of cleaning tools are needed with this product?

    Some cleaners require a mop and bucket while others just require a towel and a little elbow grease. Choosing the best floor cleaner involves taking this into consideration.

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  4. Is this product "all in one" or will multiple products be necessary?

    Multi-purpose floor cleaners are great, as they often polish while getting the floor clean. However, they may not be best for floors that require deeper cleaning. In these cases, a separate cleaner and floor polish or finish may be necessary.

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  5. How soon will people need to walk on this floor again?

    This is especially important to take into consideration if a polisher or finish is involved in the cleaning process. Anyone walking over a floor soon after it has been treated risks causing unwanted spots and marks, but it is true that some cleaners (like lighter, less harsh ones) dry faster than others.

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  6. How eco friendly is the floor cleaner?

    Many people are worried about the harm that cleaning detergents and chemicals can cause to humans and the environment. Using a natural or "eco friendly" floor cleaner is a great idea for floors in the home or where children play. They often do not have as much cleaning power (due to the lack of chemicals), but great cleaning products are ones that do not harm their users.

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  7. How budget-friendly is the floor cleaner?

    Last but not least, there's never any harm in looking at pricing. When people find the best floor cleaner for them, it's one that both gets the job done and fits into their budget. Sometimes it is best to purchase floor cleaner in bulk, especially if it is going to be used regularly.

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  8. How much use does the floor get and what kind of mess is being cleaned up?

    Is the floor cleaner meant for regular upkeep or for a big one-time cleaning job? Floors with more dirt and grime are going to require more heavy-duty cleaning product than those that simply need a little upkeep from time to time.

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