Building a Business Website

A good business website can turn interested prospects into customers with just a click of a button! Business websites provide interest and excitement for shoppers without sacrificing a clear sales funnel and ways for businesses to build relationships with visitors. Having a business online takes the place of a brick-and-mortar store in many ways. Like a store, some business websites may require more maintenance on a regular schedule, while others can be set up and will run on their own. Most business owners to want to have e-commerce stores will need a website that features products and services and can process payments. If you're not skilled in Web design, you'll want to either hire a professional or use a site-building tool that lets quickly and easily build, expand and revise your website. Before making any commitments, it is essential to do some research in hosting, back up systems, and the best website builders, among other considerations. Want to get started in building a website for your business? Read on to find out more about important questions and answers to consider when building the best business website.

Frequently Asked Questions ( 9 )   Add a Question

  1. What does SEO refer to?

    SEO stands for “search engine optimization". Businesses employ search engine optimization to improve their sites visibility. The majority of traffic is driven through the Google search engine with Bing and Yahoo trailing far behind at second and third. Search engines provide targeted traffic. A prominent place in search results can mean life or death to a business.

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  2. What equipment is needed to build a website?

    No equipment is needed. Larger companies may use their in-house IT department to launch a website (which could require some equipment), but most use cloud based providers. Using the cloud removes the need to buy any hardware and software. Cloud vendors almost always have everything needed to get up and running.

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  3. What is a "Home Page"?

    A home page is the main page of a website. It is the directory to all other pages on the site. Every business needs a homepage. A well-organized homepage will at the very least; identify the business, provide detailed information on what the business offers, links to every other part of the site, and comprehensive contact information.

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  4. Does accessibility matter?

    All business websites should adhere to accessibility guidelines set forth by the W3C. Users with disabilities, as well as older people, and those that live in low-bandwidth rural areas, benefit greatly from sites produced to accessibility standards. Businesses benefit as well. Case studies show that accessible websites get more traffic and better search results.

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  5. What is an e-commerce website?

    E-commerce websites facilitate business over the Internet. The most common examples would be Amazon or EBay for retail sales, iTunes for music, or Etrade for buying and selling stock. The Internet has also seen a steady rise in business to business e-commerce since its inception.

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  6. What is a brochure-style website?

    Brick and mortar businesses and service companies use brochure style websites to promote and sell their products online. Real estate agents, Auto repair shops, and restaurants are just a few examples of businesses that might employ this type of website design.

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  7. What is a "splash" page?

    A splash page pops up at the entry to a site. It may provide important information to visitors, such as that the page uses sound, or in the case of an adult site, warn underage users not to enter. Some companies publish their site in different countries and use a splash page to direct visitors to the correct site. Another common use of a splash page would be to require visitors to register prior to entry.

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  8. What is a magazine-type website?

    A magazine type website entertains their visitors. It usually features articles and incorporates advertisements related to the theme of the site. Advertisers buy ad space in the same way they would on radio and television. A magazine site may look very similar to its paper counterpart.

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  9. What about security?

    Any business that sends or receives financial or sensitive personal information should employ security. Usually this will be in the form of SSL. SSL stands for "secure socket layer". It protects information as it travels over the internet by encrypting data. Visitors can feel safe that their personal information, passwords, and credit card information, are completely secure.

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