Treatments for Urinary Incontinence

Loss of bladder control, or an involuntary urine leakage, is a common problem. Urinary incontinence simply means that control over urination is either weakened or lost. Severity of this problem can range from sporadically leaking urine during coughing or sneezing to the inability to hold back urination in time to reach a toilet. Urinary incontinence happens more frequently to women, and it's estimated that 30% of women between the ages of 30 to 60 suffer from it, in comparison to 1.5 to 5% of men in the same age bracket. Risk factors that may trigger incontinence range from laughing, sneezing, a sudden cough, heavy lifting, and exercise, to various diseases, smoking, and obesity. There are a number of urinary incontinence treatments including medication, anti-incontinence devices, pelvic floor exercises, behavioral modification, and changes in diet. Keep reading to learn the top questions about the best treatments for urinary incontinence, so you can find the treatment that works best for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions ( 8 )   Add a Question

  1. What other devices can help to treat women with urinary incontinence?

    The simplest treatment is the use of incontinence pads which can be ordered discreetly online for cheap. In addition to urethral inserts, women can use a pessary, which is a hard ring that is worn all day, which prevents leakage by helping to hold the bladder up. A sacral nerve stimulator can be implanted in the woman's buttock under the skin. The stimulator is connected by a wire to a nerve connecting the spinal cord and bladder. Radiofrequency therapy can be used to heat up lower urinary tract tissue, often causing increased urinary control.

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  2. What changes in drinking behaviors are useful in treating urinary incontinence?

    Changes in drinking behaviors can be very effective in treating urinary incontinence. Excessive water drinking can be conducive to incontinence (although drinking too little may irritate the bladder by causing urine to become concentrated). Cutting back on alcohol and caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, soft drinks) and citrus juices will give a person more control over urination.

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  3. What medications are useful for bladder control problems?

    Medications called anticholinergics help urinary incontinence by blocking the signals sent to the brain that can trigger the abnormal bladder contractions that are linked with an overactive bladder. Immediate release pills (taken several times daily) and extended release pills (taken once a day) which may help are Ditropan XL, Detrol, Enablex, Oxytrol, Vesicare, Toviaz, and Sanctura.

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  4. When is surgery recommended?

    For severe urinary incontinence that stems from abnormalities in the bladder or other surgically-correctable issues, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure. However, surgery is generally used only as a last resort, after trying all other treatment options. If you've tried other urinary incontinence treatments unsuccessfully, talk to your doctor about whether surgery is a good option for you.

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  5. What anti-incontinence devices are available for treatment of urinary incontinence?

    For bedridden people, a temporary or sometimes more permanent solution is using a Foley catheter (a long tube inserted through a hole in an abdominal wall which will drain urine from the bladder). Women may insert artificial implements into the urethra to stop the leakage of urine. These devices need to be removed after a few hours. Men can use a clamp which constricts their penis, thereby decreasing the quantity of urine leakage.

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  6. What are pelvic floor exercises, and when are they useful?

    Pelvic floor exercises called Kegels will strengthen pelvic floor muscles and stop or reduce leakage of bowel movements and urine. Women can use these squeeze and lift exercises to help with urge incontinence, stress incontinence, or for mending muscles after giving birth. Men can use pelvic floor exercises to strengthen muscles after bladder or bowel surgery, or to address incontinence brought on by heavy lifting, long term coughing like smoker's cough or bronchitis, chronic constipation, or being overweight.

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  7. Can behavior modification be used to treat urinary incontinence?

    Behavioral modifications may help people to regain bladder control and reduce incontinence. Dietary changes, like avoiding or decreasing consumption of alcohol and caffeinated beverages (which have diuretic effects and stimulate the bladder) can help people to regain bladder control. Weight management, smoking cessation, and the avoidance of spices are all helpful, as well as biofeedback, learning urge suppression techniques, plus bladder retraining (Kegel exercises) are also helpful.

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  8. What changes in eating behaviors are useful in treating urinary incontinence?

    Overactive bladders are irritated by eating spicy foods such as chili peppers, horseradish, and spicy Mexican or Chinese cuisine. Acidic foods that can irritate the bladder are citrus foods (oranges, pineapples, grapefruits). Any type of chocolate, partly because of its caffeine content, will pose a problem for overactive bladders. Sugary food (containing corn syrup, fructose, or honey) may also cause bladder irritation.

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